

“我们在这里哀悼美国一位伟人的逝去体操哥 ,”梅根·麦凯恩在父亲约翰·麦凯恩位于华盛顿国家大教堂的的葬礼上说魔幻航母。
她的悼词长达17分钟海伦堡创意园 ,刘梦夏却令全场人动容北大弑母案 。约翰·麦凯恩是一名勇敢的战士完美微笑公式 ,叶倩文林子祥离婚 一位不屈的战俘,也是一个慈爱的父亲水谷幸也。回忆起父亲,梅根满怀骄傲侯德昌 ,忍不住潸然泪下痛婚 。
美国前总统乔治·W·布什和贝拉克·奥巴马向麦凯恩做了最后的道别谢若林 ,麦凯恩是亚利桑那州的参议员暴君刘璋,但他们称他为美国最辉煌时代的代表人物王锐基 。特朗普并未出席葬礼,他多次与麦凯恩冲突,梅根也丝毫未掩饰对特朗普的谴责罗拉芳娜 。
“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness思南天气预报 ,” said Meghan McCain at her father’sfuneral service in the Washington National Cathedral.
Former presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama led the final farewell to the Arizona senator, also describing him as the embodiment of America at its best.
But the 17-minute eulogy by John McCain’s daughter was宝矿力水特, perhaps, the most powerful.
Tearfully she remembered his bravery in battle and his endurance as a prisoner of war谷薇 , as well asstressing his role as a loving father and her pride in him.
She included barely veiled rebukes of Donald Trump王钟瑶 , who repeatedly clashed with him and whoseabsence was conspicuous.
