

Questioner:Is it possible for a man and woman to live together, to have sex and children, without all the turmoil, bitterness and conflict inherent in such a relationship? Is it possible for there to be freedom on both sides特命战队 ? I don’t mean by freedom that the husband or wife should constantly be having affairs with someone else. People usually come together and get married because they fall in love, and in that there is desire, choice, pleasure, possessiveness and tremendous drive. The very nature of this in-loveness is from the start filled with the seeds of conflict.提问者:一个男人和一个女人生活在一起,有性、有孩子怒海潜将 ,却没有此类关系通常所具有的一切混乱、痛苦和冲突,这可能吗?双方都拥有自由,这可能吗唐老鸭从军记?我说的自由,不是指丈夫或者妻子不时与别的什么人有染。人们通常因为恋爱而走到一起并结婚朴知贤,而其中就有欲望、选择、快乐、占有欲和强烈的冲动。这种恋爱感本身,从一开始就充满了冲突的种子。
KRISHNAMURTI:Is it? Need it be靠被潜了? I very much question that. Can’t you fall in love and not have a possessive relationship? I love someone and she loves me and we get married—that is all perfectly straightforward and simple墓地邂逅2 , in that there is no conflict at all. (When I say we get married I might just as well say we decide to live together—don’t let’s get caught up in words.) 克里希那穆提:是吗?必然是这样吗爱过那张脸 ?我深深地质疑这一点。你难道不能坠入爱河却不占有对方?我爱某个人,她也爱我镇雄之窗 ,我们结婚了——这一切都极其直接和简单,其中根本没有冲突桐城招聘网 。(当我说我们结婚了,我也完全可以说我们决定生活在一起——我们不要陷在文字里。)
Can’t one have that without the other, without the tail李富胜 , as it were, necessarily following? Can’t two people be in love and both be so intelligent and so sensitive that there is freedom and absence of a centre that makes for conflict? Conflict is not in the feeling of being in love. The feeling of being in love is utterly without conflict.
There is no loss of energy in being in love. The loss of energy is in the tail, in everything that follows—jealousy, possessiveness, suspicion, doubt, the fear of losing that love, the constant demand for reassurance and security. Surely it must be possible to function in a sexual relationship with someone you love without the nightmare which usually follows. Of course it is.
Meeting Life, 'Love宁都州人 , Sex and the Religious Life'《与生活相遇》之“爱、性及宗教生活”

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